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Documentation - Sierra v2.4.0

Wecome to the documentation of Sierra - Sierra is a Python library to write HTML and CSS in pure Python using the DOM API in a simple yet elegant manner. Take advantage of Python's powerful functionalities with ease. Loops, variables, functions, libraries - you name it, you have it. You can now develop your web application purely in Python, taking full advantage of its powerful functionalities with simple and elegant syntax. You can use this along with another templating engine, or use it standalone - even without a web framework, if you like. If you have any specific requests, open a discussion/issue on our GitHub page . Any contributions can also be made there.

Please read our LICENSE before moving forward.


Let's get started

pip3 install sierra

can be done as an easier way of installing. You can also clone the repository and work inside of src/sierra if you like.
To import the library, simply use:

from sierra import *

Once imported, the first line of syntax is mandatory, and all development to be displayed on the webpage must come after this:

title(Title, icon=False)

#    Title(str, compulsory) : Title of the HTML file.
#    icon(str, optional) : Icon to be displayed. Should be a .ico file. Defaults to no icon.

This creates an index.html and a style.css in the working directory.
You can add a header with head(). Start the body of the web application with openBody(). Add CSS with **kwargs.

head(Head, type='header', **kwargs)
# head('Sierra', type='h1', color='#4287f5', font_family='Times New Roman')

#    Head (str, compulsory)           : Caption header.
#    type (str, optional)             : Header type. Anything from 'h1' to 'h6'
#    **kwargs (optional)              : CSS styling arguments
# openBody(background_color='blue', opacity=1.8)

You may notice in styling with **kwargs, that the styling argument font-family and background-color is entered in as font_family and background-color. That is, underscores are used in **kwargs in the place of hyphens. This is because Python returns a SyntaxError when hyphens are used in the key of **kwargs.
Hence, use underscores in **kwargs for hyphens in styling arguments.

Fonts can be added with addFont() which takes only one argument, which is the link to the font.

# If you're using Google Fonts, take only the href attribute.
# If <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> 
# is the the font tag to Roboto, take only the href attribute, then use.

# addFont("") 
# You can then add "'Roboto', sans-serif" to the CSS as the font_family argument/font-family attribute,
# depending on the method of CSS used (See 'Using CSS').

Using tags

Tags can be opened with Tag(name_of_tag, **kwargs), and CSS can be added with .css(), which is the same mechanism that head() and openBody() contains, except that it is now used as a function under a class. Any inline within that tag can be entered with a context manager approach under with

with open_tag('tag_name', attr=None) as t:
    t.css(font_color='rgb(11, 176, 89)')

    #  ---  Any content  ---  

Coming out of with automatically closes the tag. The **kwargs method, in Tag() enables the user to add attributes to their HTML tag.

with open_tag('tag_name', attr="class='someClass' id='some_id'") as t:
    t.css(font_color='rgb(11, 176, 89)')

    #  ---  Any content  ---  

This is the equivalent of <tag_name class='someClass' id='some_id'>.
Prefix Python-conflicting arguments with a double underscore, and use a single underscore in the place of a hyphen. Here, CSS is added to tag_name
With v2.4.0, you can CREATE functions for any tag and even control their behavior! Here's how you create 'short' tags that mostly come under <head>:

def meta(**kwargs):

meta(name="description", content="This is some description")
meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width", initial_scale=1.0)

This is equivalent to:

<meta name="description" content="This is some description">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" initial-scale=1.0>

Using argument text="" makes the tag close after the opening of the tag, causing it to behave differently than tags like meta, which don't need a closing. Remember that __ is the equivalent of a single underscore and _ is the equivalent of a hyphen!

def script(**kwargs):

script(__async="", src="some_src", text="")            
# You can get any text to appear within the tag. 
# Not using 'text' creates a tag similar to the <meta> tag
# This is the equivalent of <script _async= src=some-src></script>

Using CSS

There are three ways you can add CSS to tags. The first one is with .css(), which takes in **kwargs, and can only be used within the context managers of already existing syntax, like Tag() and div(). Underscores are used in the key or **kwargs instead of hyphens in styling attributes.


The second way is to use writeCSS(). It takes in a dictionary of CSS attributes, and adds them to the tag mentioned as the first argument in writeCSS()..

writeCSS(tag, *args)
# *args takes in a dictionary of styling attributes.

#writeCSS('pre', {"background-color": "#edf7f7", "margin-left": "0.1%"})
# This adds the specified CSS attributes in the dictionary to the tag <pre>

The third way is to use writeCSS_raw(). Any text you specify in writeCSS_raw() gets written into the CSS file.

pre {
    background-color: #edf7f7;
    margin-left: 0.1%;

# This writes the exact text in writeCSS_raw() to style.css

Working with div, section and p tags

Division and section tags can be opened the same way as Tag(), except the syntax is div(**kwargs) and section(**kwargs) respectively. It can take in tag attributes through the **kwargs method. Prefix conflicting arguments with a double underscore and use a single underscore for hyphens. While adding CSS for this is similar to the mechanism in Tag(), it differs in the fact that the .css() here prioritizes tag attributes given. The first priority being for __class, the second being for id, and if both don't exist, CSS is just added to the tag raw. That is div or section. Entering in both __class and id results in CSS being added to the class, and enters it to id in the absence of __class. If you don't want to add CSS this way using .css(), use writeCSS() instead, where you can add CSS to any tag/attribute, simply use '#name_of_id' or '.name_of_class' as the first argument.


#with div(__class='div_class') as d:
#    d.css(background_color="#e0e330")
#    with section(id='sec_id'):
#        p("This is a paragraph inside a section which has attribute id=sec_id, and is inside a div")

#writeCSS('#sec_id', margin_top='30px')

<p> tags can be added with p(). The text to be added goes into the text attribute, and tag attributes, as usual, can be added to attr. However, p() is not a context manager-based approach, as shown above under the section tag, and closes upon argument exit. Use writeCSS() or writeCSS_raw() to add css.

p(text, **kwargs)
# p('This is some text that goes inside a paragraph. Atrributes can be added to attr', __class='someClass')

Adding images

Images can be added with image() as context manager based approach, .show() which takes no arguments is used to display the image and .css() can be used to add CSS (no priorities, just adds to img), or one of the other three methods to add it to a class or an id.

image(src:str, **kwargs)

with image('sierra.jpg', alt='Sierra', href='', target='_blank') as i:
    i.css(opacity=1.1, width='50px')

Working with tables (Pandas supported)

Adding a table could never have been easier with a context manager approach on Table(), which takes no arguments and has objects create_table() and get_table(). Sierra is compatible with Pandas, meaning just enter the path to the CSV file in arg dataframe in getTable(), and the table will display!

get_table(self, dataframe:str, **kwargs)

with Table() as t:
    t.get_table("path/to/file.csv", id="some_id")
    st.css(font_family='Times New Roman')

    # CSS styling arguments for get_table() and start_table() are as usual.
    # No priorities. Use writeCSS() to add CSS to specific tag attributes.


As mentioned, you can also add a table with create_table(). Make sure the arg rows is a list of lists, even if there's only one row

createTable(self, heads:list, rows:list, **kwargs)
# heads(list, compulsory): Adds table headers
# rows(list, compulsory) : Takes in a list of lists, each list representing a row
# kwargs(optional)       : Adds tag attributes to 

with Table() as t:
    c = ['foo', 'foo1', 'foo2']
    r1 = ['united states', 'croatia', 'austria']
    r2 = ['czech', 'denmark', 'canada']
    r3 = ['netherlands', 'scotland', 'england']
    r = [r1, r2, r3]

    t.create_table(heads=c, rows=r, id='table_id')

# Adding CSS        
writeCSS(font_family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", border="1px solid #d1d5e8", padding='8px', width='30%')


foo foo1 foo2
United States Croatia Austria
Czech Denmark Canada
Netherlands Scotland England

Bulleted lists (ordered and unordered)

Ordered and/or unordered lists can be added with bullets() using with. Just enter a list into the argument points, specify the type of the list (ordered or unordered), attributes if necessary, and you're good to go. It doesn't have a .css() function - use one of the three methods to add CSS to it.

bullets(ul:bool, points:list, attr=None)

a = ['pt1', 'pt2', 'pt3']
b = ['pt4', 'pt5']
c = ['pt6']

with bullets(ul=False, points=a, attr="start='1' type='i'"):
    with bullets(True, b, attr="type='square'"):
with bullets(ul=False, points=c, attr="start='4' type='I'"):
  1. pt1
  2. pt2
  3. pt3
    • pt4
    • pt5
  1. pt6

Adding a description list

Description lists can be added with des_lists(), which takes in argument des_list and of course, attributes can be added with **kwargs. Just enter in a list of lists as the first argument, and it will show as a description list. It is not a context manager-based approach.

writeCSS('#d_list', {"margin-left":"40px"})

a = [[['foo'], ['foo1', 'foo2']], [['py', 'py1'], ['PEP', 'PEP8']]]
des_lists(a, "id='d_list'")
- foo1
- foo2
- PEP8

Here, [['foo'], ['- foo1', '- foo2']] is the first description list, and [['py', 'py1'], ['- PEP', '- PEP8']] is the second. These two are separated by commas and are subsets of a list that contains them both. The attribute id='d_list' was added to the description list, and CSS was added to the id with writeCSS().
So get careful with the list arrangement!

Other functions

Python functions/variables or anything can be added onto the web application using Sierra with much ease. However keep in mind, that every function/CSS/tag, or anything that is to be added to the HTML must come only after title().
Here's a list of other functions you can use with Sierra:

# writeWA() can be used to add any text/inline onto the web application.
# This can be used to add text within certain tags.

Here's an example:

with open_tag('pre'):
    writeWA(r"This appears inside the <pre class=""><code> tag")

# Or say you want to add some Bootstrap to your page:

def link(**kwargs):

def script(**kwargs):

addFont('Any font link')

#  Bootstrap link tags:
link(rel="stylesheet", href="")

Regular HTML escape sequences and glyphs and regular tags like <a> can be used within the context manager or any functions that involve displaying on the web application, like

p('HTML <a href="some_link">tag</a> within a paragraph <br> This sentence comes after a break')

# It handles tags beautifully, closes unclosed tags, and improves overall look of the HTML inline.
# Use this at the end of all development outside all context managers. 
# Using it inside or at a working stage will not work well. 
# However if you want to add inline to the HTML after </html>, use autoPrettify(), add inline, 
# and THEN use autoPrettify() AGAIN

# Go to this to see the beauty of autoPrettify()


Pandas (pandas) -- table

Copyright (c) 2008-2011, AQR Capital Management, LLC, Lambda Foundry, Inc. and PyData Development Team
Copyright (c) 2011-2020, Open source contributors.