Working with Python Loops, Functions, Variables and Conditions

Displaying Python outputs on your web applications are actually pretty simple with Sierra. To work with this, you can use writeWA() or p(), which has been covered on the main page of the documentation. You can print variables, output functions, use loops, conditions or anything.
Say you've loaded in a .csv file with pandas and write some quick code for displaying each row as a list:
import pandas as pd
from sierra import *
df = pd.read_csv(r'path/to/the/file.csv')

#  df
#      this      is        a          csv
#  0   word      word1     word2      word3
#  1   test1     test2     test3      test4
#  2   foo1      foo2      foo3       foo4

for i in range(0, 3):
    for g in range(1, 4):
        if i + 1 == g:
            a = f"r{g} = {list(df.iloc[i])}{br}"
            # var 'br' stands for <br> See 'Other Functions'

            # or if you want it on a paragraph

        # Output on the web application:
        # r1 = ['word', 'word1', 'word2', 'word3']
        # r2 = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4']
        # r3 = ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'foo4']
Say you want to create an image map, with which you can perform different actions by clicking on shape and subsequently coordinate-secified parts of the shape on the image.
See image map. You can use f-strings and for loop to make it easy:
with image(src='workplace.jpg', attr="usemap='#workmap'") as i:

with open_tag('map', attr='name="workmap"'):
    shape = ['rect', 'rect', 'circle']
    coords = ["34,44,270,350", "290,172,333,250", "337,300,44"]
    alt = ['Computer', 'Phone', 'Coffee']
    href = ['computer.htm', 'phone.htm', 'coffee.htm']

    for shape, coord, alt, href in zip(shapes, coords, alt, href):
        with open_tag('area', attr=f'shape="{shape}" coord="{coord}" alt="{alt}" href="{href}"'):

Here, you first display the image and give it an attribute usemap, then you enter in four lists that contain the attributes of the three areas to be covered, open the <map> tag and map it to the attribute usemap given to the image.
Then you do a simple for loop and unpack each item in the lists with zip(), open the <area> tag and simply use f-strings to enter in four different attributes to three different <area> tags which all come under <map>!
So instead of manually entering in every single tag and attribute, you've used Python's list and for loop to get the job done.

With Sierra, using and displaying outputs of Python functions on your web application is made easy as cake Here's an example of scraping a webpage with requests, given it's URL, and displaying all text within the <p> tag:
from sierra import *
import re
import urllib3

def ExtractpText(url):
    http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    req = http.request('GET', url)
    respData = RemoveThrashText(str(
    regex = '<p>(.*?)</p>'
    paragraphs = re.findall(regex, respData)
    return paragraph

title('Extracting text from the <p> tag given a URL')

# OR you could enclose it in a div/p/section/anything and style it, if you like
title('Extracting text from the <p> tag given a URL')

# Font
p(writeWA("\n"ExtractpText("")), attr="class='p_class'")

with cTags('.p_class') as p_class:
    p_class.css(color="#dfe3eb", font_family="'Roboto', sans-serif")

Simple as that! You just use writeWA() for getting the job done!
Or you could just do p(ExtractpText("")), both work. Similarly, variables and conditional statements can be added too.
some_variable = 'doggo'

# or use f-strings
p(f'This is my {some_variable}!')

# or use writeWA (even with f-strings, if the use case suits you)
if some_variable == 'dog':
    writeWA(f'Grrr! This is NOT my {some_variable}')
    writeWA(f'Grrr! This is MY {some_variable}! I'd like you to come just a little closer.')